Strength Coach Liam Bauer

Liam “Taku” Bauer, is a strength coach with a broad background in athletic pursuits, from soccer to martial arts and strength training. As a coach for over 36 years, his knowledge and approach have been informed and impacted by key figures the likes of Arthur Jones (inventor of Nautilus), Mike Mentzer, and Bruce Lee.

Applying the principles led him away from the advice of the muscle magazines and towards a high intensity approach to his own strength practice and coaching, Liam hasn’t been injured in years.

Now humming along in his seventh decade, he continues to hit benchmarks most athletes would have long seen fade into the rearview mirror. And he’s gunning to match or exceed them going forward. And we’re going to check back with him in 30 years to make sure he reached his goal of coaching and remaining active into his 90s!


Headshots360 Studio – Berkeley, CA

TNT Strength – Oakland, CA

Visit Liam and his excellent blog at TNT Strength

Listen to TNT’s Truth No Trends Podcast 

Portraits of Liam Bauer

By David J. Toman

(Click images to view full sized)

Cameras/Film Used:

  • Nikon F100 w/Ilford FP4+ film
  • Nikon D850